Thursday, April 11, 2013

California Christmas

I totally forgot to publish this blog! whooops... here ya go!

already 2013?     Say WHA????

   This past year has been so full and wonderful. We have welcomed two new babies into the world, our Nephew Finn Connor Morehouse and Niece Blair Harper Puckett.

For Christmas we strapped up our boots and headed to ol’ Californ-I-A! It was so great to see all of Raymond’s side of the family and play with our cute nephews Finn (6 months old) and Brigham (2 yrs old). We laughed and ate and ate and laughed together. We hadn’t been to California in 2 yrs so Raymond was very excited to be back in his old stomping grounds.

Then it happened… the NOROVIRUS struck
Starting with Teddy

     We figured it was food poisoning because he had had sushi the night before. Oh boy were we wrong. Everyone went to bed feeling fine (except Ted) and then it hit me. 1:00 in the morning and I heaving like no tomorrow. As soon as I left the bathroom Teddy walked in and said “Welcome” I knew then I was in for a LONG night/morning of discomfort. True to its form the norovirus didn’t disappoint. Every 30-60 minutes I was barfing my guts out. I was planning on gaining weight this trip not losing it!!! I was delirious and didn’t know where I was some of the time. Raymond was an excellent nurse except for the part where he insisted I needed to stop throwing up (as if I didn’t know this already). It was physically impossible to stop barfing. My abs, neck, and back got an awesome work out! 12 hours later it was over and after I felt as though I had been physically beaten. The barfing continued to throughout the house. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

We all spend the days taking care of each other and to those who weren’t sick recovering from sickness or dreading what was inevitably coming. We stuck it all out together as families should! We will look back on this past Christmas with laughter and pray it doesn’t happen again.
Raymond, Scott and I drove out to the desert one day to get out of the sick house and view God’s beautiful creation. It was great to see the mighty mountains and feel the warm desert sun on our pale Scottish completions.

I flew home on the 1st and Raymond followed 6 days later. He was able to spend more time with his friends and spend one on one quality time with his precious parents.
All in all we had a fabulous trip and came back with full hearts.

Later days

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